Eppe de Haan
Short documentary
Year of production: 2021
duration: 3:16 min
Eppe de Haan finds balance in the duality between male and female form, often in a single work. Looking back on his creative path from painter to sculptor, he still searches for something intangible. His signature, a mysterious protruding cube, entails a meaning perhaps too personal to tell.
Directed and edited by Anduo Lucia.
Director of photography: Bernard Ausems.
Music by GRINteck
Color by: Bernard Ausems.
Retrospective video
Year of production: 2015
duration: 2:30 min
Eppe de Haan's one man exhibition
'Dreams and Desires' at the Het Depot sculpture
gallery in Wageningen, NL from October 5th 2014 to March 22nd 2015
Contact: www.hetdepot.nl
"Sculpture Gallery - program exhibitions"
Interview Studio Sem
Year of production: 2014
duration: 6:17 min
Eppe de Haan interview September 2014
a short 6 minute film of Dutch sculptor Eppe de Haan working on and talking about his most recent marble sculpture made in collaboration with Studio Sem to be exhibited at his one man exhibition
'Dreams and Desires' at the Het Depot, Aboretumlaan 4, Wageningen 6703 BV Netherlands from October 5th 2014 to March 22nd 2015. Contact: www.hetdepot.nl
"Sculpture Gallery - program exhibitions

Timelaps "The three Graces"
The three graces
Year of production: 2007
duration: 0:16 min
Eppe de Haan